Following Frontiers of the Forest City


The Launching of Nusantara Center and Public Lecture at BRIDA, East Kalimantan Province

The government of East Kalimantan Province launches Nusantara Center and hosts guest lecture on Forest City project.

On August 10, 2023, the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of East Kalimantan Province inaugurated the Nusantara Center, a collaborative platform for research and innovation on sustainable development in Kalimantan. The launching ceremony was followed by a public lecture on “Following Frontiers of the Forest City”.

The public lecture featured Prof. Dr.R. Rijanta, M.Sc from Gadjah Mada University and Dr. Kei Otsuki from Utrecht University, who shared their insights and findings on the development challenges and opportunities in terms of ecological sustainability, disaster risk reduction, and social and economic inclusion in Kalimantan. The lecture was moderated by Ratih Fenty Anggraini Bintoro, S.A.P., M.Si from the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of East Kalimantan Province.

The event was attended by representatives from various agencies, institutions, universities, organizations, and staff members who were interested in learning more about the capital relocation process and its implications for Kalimantan’s natural/built environments and diverse communities.

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