Following Frontiers of the Forest City


Postdoctoral Researcher Bosman Batubara Contributes to 2024 Indonesian Vice-Presidential Debate on Sustainable Development

On 21 January 2024, our postdoctoral researcher, Bosman Batubara, was invited by Kafe Habitat, a renowned cafe in Yogyakarta, to serve as a discussant for the livestreaming of the 2024 Indonesian Vice-Presidential Candidates Debate.

The debate, which took place on January 21, 2024, focused on a range of critical topics including sustainable development, natural resources management, environmental concerns, energy, food security, agrarian reform, indigenous community rights, and village development.

Each vice-presidential candidate brought unique perspectives to these issues. Muhaimin Iskandar, candidate number 1, centered his discourse around the concept of ecological (in)justice. Gibran Rakabuming Raka, candidate number 2, advocated for downstream processing (hilirisasi) as a pathway to industrialization. Mahfud MD, candidate number 3, emphasized the importance of local knowledge and wisdom in development strategies.

We are honored that Bosman Batubara was chosen to contribute to this important discussion, reflecting his expertise and our commitment to engaging with pressing societal issues.